What Empty Nest?

Are you asking yourself that question? Do you have a young adult with special needs in your not-so-empty nest? Are you looking for support, encouragement and resources to empower your young adult towards more independence? Join the community.

Do you wish you had some creative ways to equip your young adult with more independence?

I can help you with that. Here’s what to do next!


Sign up for the weekly newsletter that covers topics of independence, ideas for learning functional life skills, links to free and paid resources and encouragement for the journey


Pick up a copy of Thoughts to Borrow, a guide for reframing some of the thoughts that will empower you and your young adult to explore independence.


Invest in the Navigating Independence Toolkit. Three invaluable resources that will help you to explore readiness and help you to assess where to begin the journey to Independence.

Hi, I’m Mary, and I want to help you equip your young adult with special needs with functional life skills.

I’ve been a part of the disability community for over a decade and have both friends and family members who daily overcome the challenges of a disability.

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